Monday, July 27, 2009

please God with your eating

Just few days after the Physical Blueprint in my fellowship, I have read this article during one of my devotion where I think God is reminding me of poor eating habit. (I'm reading the The Everyday Life Bible by Joyce Meyer, there are some Everyday Life Article that she wrote throughout the Bible.)

The topic on this one is "please God with you eating"

Leviticus 11 sets forth all kinds of guidelines about what the Israelites could and could not eat. Over the years, I have needed God's help in the area of eating, just as the Israelites did. I would like the share ten tips I have learned that have enabled me to eat wisely, healthfully, and in a way that pleases God:

1. Eat when you are truly hungry and not just because someone offers you food or because it is sitting in front of you.

2. If you listen carefully to your body, it will let ou know what it needs and wants. Sometimes I actually crave vegetables; at other times I want fish or red meat. That is my body letting me know what it needs. There are times I want something sweet, and it is not wrong to eat sweets if we do so in moderation. Eating a variety of foods is one of the key to good nutrition.

3. Enjoy what you eat.

4. Eat sitting down. People tend to eat more than they realize when they are standing while they eat.

5. Eat slowly. After about twenty minutes of eating, your brain receives a signal that you are full. (I'm practicing this right now, and it is not easy when I'm used to eat fast. It will take some time for me to adjust.)

6. Stop eating when yuou are no longer hungry. Take small portions, planning to have another portion if you want it. Many times, the first small portion will satisfy you.

7. Eat small portion more frequently rather than one or two huge meals a day. Anything your body can not metabolize and use is stored as fat. Keeping your metabolism working by eating several small meals a day or healthy snacks between meals will actually help you stay fit and trim.

8. Do not make provision for "eating binges" by keeping your refrigerator and pantry full of high-calorie, high-fat, low quality foods that you know you should not eat.

9. Stay focused on things you need to do and keep your mind off food.

10. Eat necessary food. We all consume many calories that are truly unnecessary every day - a bite of this or that, the piece of bread and butter before the meal, the second helping when in reality we are already getting full. Ask yourself if you really need something before you just mindlessly put it in your mouth.

I thin it is amazing that the Bible tells us what to eat. God cares about every area of our lives, not just the spiritual parts. He wants us to be healthy, filled with energy, and looking our best.

All these can not be done in a day or a week. But I'm sure that when we know this is what God commands us, we are able to do it eventually. But You have to start take action one step at a time.

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